New pioneers have also risen, but they are not so familiar with them. They are regarded as the predecessors of the other side who have had guidance points, but they are not very close.

Now in the virtual arena ranking, Wu Wang Lu Ping 'an is naturally in the first place, while Leng Yue is in the second place, becoming a virtual hunter, which…

Continue ReadingNew pioneers have also risen, but they are not so familiar with them. They are regarded as the predecessors of the other side who have had guidance points, but they are not very close.

Liu Hao just saw that he was doing things for Chang-sheng Wang, and his heart churned with many thoughts. He thought that if he had the opportunity to worship this fairy gate, he would be a hundred times stronger than being a mountain thief, and he even wanted to take Chen Qi with him and borrow Chen Qi’s qualification to be a stepping stone for himself.

Later, Chen Qi revealed that he was proficient in magic and led Liu Hao to think about how he had some friendship with Chen Qi. He also tried his best…

Continue ReadingLiu Hao just saw that he was doing things for Chang-sheng Wang, and his heart churned with many thoughts. He thought that if he had the opportunity to worship this fairy gate, he would be a hundred times stronger than being a mountain thief, and he even wanted to take Chen Qi with him and borrow Chen Qi’s qualification to be a stepping stone for himself.


“不错!” 飞虎面色阴沉 “周甲你杀了奇古不会真就这么算了吧?” “别急”飘雪伸手虚拦道 “我觉得他可代替奇古” “嗯?”飞虎闻言皱眉 “什么意思?” “师尊所看中奇古是因他双眼能他人所不能”飘雪嘴角微翘看着周甲 “他也可!” 两人气息可是有神器玲珑塔镇压即使如此竟也能被周甲前察觉、一眼看穿 如此能力…… 比奇古有过而不! 既然如此直接杀了倒不如擒交给师尊 飞虎面泛不悦 了找周甲报复他在外面等了十几年这才进了雷神神域事到临头对方又改变主意 如不恼? “放屁!” 不等飞虎口天河已经怒道 “大言不惭我家主人岂是你们能乱说?” “吃我一刀!” Before the sound fell, the knife light had enveloped the…

Continue Reading“飞虎?”

Xuan resin French king with three turns scattered fairy East China Sea double evil spirit followed by carefree smile debut "Chu Zhang teaches since you promised this veteran can’t favor one over the other, we two brothers are also idle, how many elders are there to count us two brothers?"

Chu Yu, the two evil spirits in the East China Sea, have known each other for a hundred years. Chu Yu helped them a lot when the two of them…

Continue ReadingXuan resin French king with three turns scattered fairy East China Sea double evil spirit followed by carefree smile debut "Chu Zhang teaches since you promised this veteran can’t favor one over the other, we two brothers are also idle, how many elders are there to count us two brothers?"

"Don’t talk nonsense!" Chu Lin, except for his little Luca brasi, doesn’t have a relationship with women at ordinary times. At first glance, when I heard Yan Niang’s dirty words, I would have been so angry that my roots would itch, fold the fan, brush and turn out a beautiful arc, and several steel needles have been rapidly stabbed at that woman.

Yan Niang jumped into the long skirt, waved a steel needle and plunged into her dress. "Where is Yuan Zhimei?" Chu Lin and the woman in red quickly got Yuan…

Continue Reading"Don’t talk nonsense!" Chu Lin, except for his little Luca brasi, doesn’t have a relationship with women at ordinary times. At first glance, when I heard Yan Niang’s dirty words, I would have been so angry that my roots would itch, fold the fan, brush and turn out a beautiful arc, and several steel needles have been rapidly stabbed at that woman.

Two bloody claws roared out from Dracula’s fingertips, and mephistopheles’s figure trembled slightly and dodged away from the self-attack. Then mephistopheles held out his cane and issued a "pa" soup in the air.

Several black magic powers converge into a virtual shadow and hit dracula's paw. The battle between two ghosts that do not belong to human terror began, but the first time…

Continue ReadingTwo bloody claws roared out from Dracula’s fingertips, and mephistopheles’s figure trembled slightly and dodged away from the self-attack. Then mephistopheles held out his cane and issued a "pa" soup in the air.

But fortunately, his heart in Cheng Yaojin is calm and anxious. Although he can’t be wise, he knows how to handle the situation calmly, especially now when his life is fleeting.

"Don't, don't, don't be a hero. Calm down. I can give you anything you want. I can do it." Cheng Yaojin hurriedly clenched his fist at the same time, but…

Continue ReadingBut fortunately, his heart in Cheng Yaojin is calm and anxious. Although he can’t be wise, he knows how to handle the situation calmly, especially now when his life is fleeting.