
The time in the field flashed, and the angel's wings gathered and stood aside. The old man with double knives looked dull and his body slowly fell down. Until he…

Continue Reading"poof!"

"Then what clues are there at present?" Always ask Aaron here first. There are three special operations teams, four heavenly kings and four Gary Oak present. After all, considering that this crossing has been "kidnapped", at the very least, we should be ready for the corresponding combat power. The police in Manchu gold market are also ready to listen and dispatch at any time.

"DuDu disappeared a week ago after the small pile competition. Understandably DuDu noticed something unusual and immediately chased it, and then there was no text in the city. We received…

Continue Reading"Then what clues are there at present?" Always ask Aaron here first. There are three special operations teams, four heavenly kings and four Gary Oak present. After all, considering that this crossing has been "kidnapped", at the very least, we should be ready for the corresponding combat power. The police in Manchu gold market are also ready to listen and dispatch at any time.

Only then did you know that your eyes swept through the surface one by one and you remembered the tone with a little casual teasing.

"Even the big winners live in single-family houses." Lin Ji leaned on the bay window sill mat, and his long legs crossed at random and supported on the floor. "If…

Continue ReadingOnly then did you know that your eyes swept through the surface one by one and you remembered the tone with a little casual teasing.

"If it’s another way, I won’t move. She’ll wait for her to show the fox’s tail and then clean it up together." Lian Yan Jiing touched the bar. "Now that you dare to hit my head and solve it early."

"Solve early? How are you going to solve it? Your father killed your leg and everyone brought it back. Will you be ridiculous? " Dong Fengling feels headache at the…

Continue Reading"If it’s another way, I won’t move. She’ll wait for her to show the fox’s tail and then clean it up together." Lian Yan Jiing touched the bar. "Now that you dare to hit my head and solve it early."

When studying the cause and effect of this incident, Yan Pei found that because of discrimination, most Indonesian Chinese, although rich in economy, did not actively participate in political activities and did not lobby the legislature to protect their own interests. They had the same strong economic strength as the Qing Dynasty, but they could not be transformed into a force to protect themselves.

However, in the same situation, Malaysian Chinese are very active in politics and economy, although they are also ethnic minorities and Muslim countries. Although local laws and public opinion also…

Continue ReadingWhen studying the cause and effect of this incident, Yan Pei found that because of discrimination, most Indonesian Chinese, although rich in economy, did not actively participate in political activities and did not lobby the legislature to protect their own interests. They had the same strong economic strength as the Qing Dynasty, but they could not be transformed into a force to protect themselves.