At this time, the familiar building has completely collapsed. If other places seem to have been plowed, here is completely bombed.

Sad ratio Don't ..... Not far from zhuang said is true? Shadow manor is going to die? The old turtle's big mung bean eyes are going round and round, and…

Continue ReadingAt this time, the familiar building has completely collapsed. If other places seem to have been plowed, here is completely bombed.

New pioneers have also risen, but they are not so familiar with them. They are regarded as the predecessors of the other side who have had guidance points, but they are not very close.

Now in the virtual arena ranking, Wu Wang Lu Ping 'an is naturally in the first place, while Leng Yue is in the second place, becoming a virtual hunter, which…

Continue ReadingNew pioneers have also risen, but they are not so familiar with them. They are regarded as the predecessors of the other side who have had guidance points, but they are not very close.

Since human beings can quickly absorb the source energy inside through the source crystal, this waste spiritual source crystal can be recharged here with a concentration of quite Gao Yuan energy.

Can these three directly establish a circular communication channel? Gene: Can new human beings absorb the Gao Yuan energy with high concentration here by directly absorbing this waste spiritual source…

Continue ReadingSince human beings can quickly absorb the source energy inside through the source crystal, this waste spiritual source crystal can be recharged here with a concentration of quite Gao Yuan energy.

Liu Hao just saw that he was doing things for Chang-sheng Wang, and his heart churned with many thoughts. He thought that if he had the opportunity to worship this fairy gate, he would be a hundred times stronger than being a mountain thief, and he even wanted to take Chen Qi with him and borrow Chen Qi’s qualification to be a stepping stone for himself.

Later, Chen Qi revealed that he was proficient in magic and led Liu Hao to think about how he had some friendship with Chen Qi. He also tried his best…

Continue ReadingLiu Hao just saw that he was doing things for Chang-sheng Wang, and his heart churned with many thoughts. He thought that if he had the opportunity to worship this fairy gate, he would be a hundred times stronger than being a mountain thief, and he even wanted to take Chen Qi with him and borrow Chen Qi’s qualification to be a stepping stone for himself.

After hearing this, I didn’t take it to heart and said cheerfully, "It’s also a blessing for Brother to say anything that can help Xian out of trouble."

"It's still hard for Teacher Lao, but it's hard for my brother to cross the mountain after years." When Brother Zhang saw Lingqing, he knew that he had never taken…

Continue ReadingAfter hearing this, I didn’t take it to heart and said cheerfully, "It’s also a blessing for Brother to say anything that can help Xian out of trouble."