In this game, about 70,000 fans poured into Mei Acha, which surprised Rhea. In addition to Inter Milan fans and Naples fans, there were many AC Milan fans in the stands, and there were at least nearly 10,000 people. They were crowded together with Naples fans in the Mei Acha visitors’ stands, talking and laughing, and seemed to get along well with Naples fans. ! Did they come to Naples to refuel? Rhea thought so, but he didn’t have time to think about it because the game was coming.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to watch the 14th round of Serie A match between Inter Milan and Napoli, which will be explained by you and me." Today, Italian national television broadcasts the game live again, and the commentator is also an old acquaintance mazzola, but today he has explained the game by himself, and his second partner David Lo did not show up. Today he can play a monologue alone.
"The two teams are now in the stadium. When the two teams are warming up, I’ll give you a detailed introduction of the starting lineup of the two teams. The visiting team Napoli has almost not changed when playing AC Milan in this venue. The game in Reya is still that day. 423 Lezzo /2 grava 21 Domic 2 Cannavaro 19 savigny /17 Hamsik Domonica /7 Lavezzi 1 gargano 23 Marjo /9 Dennis.
Inter Milan makes Mourinho the best at 433)12 Cesar /13 Mai Kong, Chivu, 16 Burdisso and 6 horses.
Er /14 Vieira, 19 Cambiaso 2 Montari/ 45 Balotelli 33 Little Mancini Inter Milan’s personnel adjustment is not very big in the defense season. Materazzi and Samuel gradually fell into the substitute midfield because of their age. Lampard was injured in the tenth round of the league until now, and Mourinho joined Montari to replace him in the last game. However, in recent rounds, Montari has performed very well. Inter Milan fans are now almost forgetting that Lampard is in the position of striker Ibrahimovic. Actually, he wants Sweden. If a person is not injured, he will definitely occupy the center position. Mancini Jr. and Balotelli will play the left and right wingers. Qi Fei is the most striking feature of Mourinho’s offensive tactics. In 433, Mancini Jr. was generally used as the left winger to make Balotelli, a 20-year-old boy, successfully transformed into a sharp right striker by Mourinho. He and Mancini Jr. echoed each other left and right and became an important offensive means for Inter Milan. The game is over. Let’s go back to this Italian eye-catching game. "
As soon as the game started, Inter Milan attacked Naples from two sides. Now no opponent in Naples dares to despise it. Mourinho also did a lot of detailed research on Naples before the game. As a result, he found that if he wants to win Naples, he can make a fuss from its two sides, because defending it from Naples’s two sides is a little weak compared with Naples’s iron wall.
Today, Mourinho’s strategy is to attract the attention of Napoli’s two midfielders, Domenica and Hamsik, in the middle, and then Mancini Jr. and Balotelli will attack Napoli’s two flanks to try to make a gap from both sides.
In fact, Mourinho’s strategy really worked. When Mancini and Balotelli kept attacking Napoli’s two wingers, they felt shaky. Facing these two world-class wingers, Napoli’s two full-backs grava and savigny Gen were no rivals.
Little Mancini dribbled the ball on the left to break through the Portuguese meaning of "Mancini" and "quiet", but on the court, little Mancini would never let his opponent get the slightest peace. He made grava dizzy with several bicycles in a row, and grava dared not rush to grab it. He kept retreating with little Mancini, which was right in front of the restricted area. Little Mancini suddenly accelerated and tried to overtake him from the right side of grava. grava was caught off guard by little Mancini and stumbled across little Mancini in grava. Then,
Inter Milan corner kick! ! ! ! !
Cambiaso’s corner kick from Ibrahimovic grabbed this point, but he didn’t have a top position in Domic’s close defense. The football flew over the crossbar, Naples and goal kick.
Lezzo’s big foot was in the header fight with Vieira. gargano was not an opponent. Frenchman bigar Gano was nearly 30 centimeters taller. This was a distance that made gargano feel depressed. Vieira grabbed the ball and gave it to Montari, a new representative from Ghana who had a rough appearance and was called "Fauvism". The black avant-garde quickly took the ball to the half of Naples and saw the situation. However, Montari did not intend to challenge him. Mourinho had already told Montari not to try to challenge Domenica in Naples because it was stupid. He was attractive.
Before Domenica approached him, Montari scored the ball, and he gave it to Balotelli. Balotelli’s speed forced him to overtake savigny. Balotelli’s height was 1.9 meters, which was explosive and extremely flexible. Balotelli savigny couldn’t help it. After Balotelli dumped savigny, Balotelli quickly cut into the restricted area of Naples. Balotelli gave the ball to Ibrahimovic. Without Cannavaro and Domic, he had to face Domic. Ibrahimovic had a light unloading fake shot. After shaking too much Mickey, he volleyed the ball with one foot.
In just fifteen minutes, Inter Milan took the lead by one goal! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
The third volume The one hundred and forty palms are three goals behind
Burroughs coach Rhea didn’t expect his team, the Austrian team, to break the goal in just 15 minutes, and it was obvious that Mourinho caught his seven inches, which was a bit of a doorway! ! ! Rhea secretly praised Mourinho as a quality coach.
Although Mourinho is paranoid and arrogant, he can’t help but say that his coaching team is still quite good. He can always find his opponent’s weakness from small details, and he will bite your weakness like a hound. In fact, the former opponents of Naples knew that the weakest link in Naples’s defense was on two flanks, but they didn’t have enough determination and courage to stare at this point. Mourinho dared him to show his intention naked from the beginning, that is, to attack the two flanks of Naples.
After Inter scored a goal from the flank, Mourinho’s determination to seek a breakthrough from the flank was strengthened. However, Mourinho didn’t make the usual assists active. Before two full-backs Mai Kong and Maxwell, he specially studied the video of Napoli’s game against AC Milan. AC Milan lost the ball because two full-backs rushed forward and the assists were caught behind them by Domenica. When fighting back, since the deadly enemy in the same city has already taught him a bloody lesson, he certainly won’t be stupid enough to make the same mistake again. Now he is one goal ahead, and he can defend first. Compared with this score, Mourinho never feels ashamed.
Actually, it is not necessary to support Inter Milan’s midfield and frontcourt players. Vieira, Cambiaso and Montari, three world-class midfielders, are enough to support Milan’s striker Lavezzi, gargano and Marjo. Although their skills are good, there is still a certain gap compared with these three people. They can’t compete with Inter Milan’s midfielders for midfield control, which directly leads to Domenica and Hamsik having to come to support them, but there is no way for them to be too much. Taking care of the defense of Naples, Dennis can wander alone in the front of Inter Milan’s restricted area because he doesn’t get fire support from behind. At this time, he doesn’t look like a siege striker, but rather like a melancholy poet who can drop into the water. He is humming a song "Lonely Man" surrounded by four guards of Inter Milan.
Inter Milan, as always, are looking for opportunities on the two flanks of Naples. Little Mancini and Balotelli "flirted" with grava and savigny on both sides. In the twentieth minute, they made unremitting efforts to win the favor of the emperor again. Little Mancini broke in from the left again. After several consecutive changes of direction, he slipped past grava, and then he slammed the door with a strong kick. This is the symbolic move of Inter Milan’s "magic wing". This time, Lezo didn’t jump to the ball, but little Mancini didn’t score either. He shot hard and he hit the crossbar. Bouncing back to the chaos in the restricted area of Naples, Ibrahimovic was the first to grab the first point. He stabbed in the chaos. At this time, he didn’t have time to shoot anything gracefully because he was surrounded by Naples defenders.
The sharp whistle in the referee’s mouth made the audience who didn’t see clearly what had just happened a little puzzling. Because no one fell down in the restricted area of Naples and no big physical contact happened, the referee moved, which made them feel a little abrupt.
"What’s the matter? Oh, red card. The referee gave Napoli defender Domic a red card. What just happened? The referee awarded a penalty to Inter Milan and gave Domic a red card. Poor Domic, this is his second red card this season. Let’s watch the slow motion. Oh, the emperor turned out to be Domic’s handball in the restricted area. Ibrahimovic poked the ball and hit Domic’s hand. However, from my point of view, it seems that Domic didn’t mean to handball. Domic is also explaining it to the referee, but it is conceivable that the referee can’t take him back. He will also make it wrong because if he takes back the penalty just now, it will be tantamount to slapping himself. "
As mazzola said, the referee insisted on his penalty, Domic was fined, and Naples was also fined an emperor in a passive situation. What kind of situation is this?
Rhea flew into a rage on the sidelines. He complained to the referee that the referee went to the sidelines and explained a few words to him. He tried to calm his anger, but it didn’t work. The fourth official had to come over and wake Rhea up and watch his behavior. Rhea had to go back and sit down and teach.
An angry look expressed his dissatisfaction.
Domic handed the captain’s armband to Qina, but he didn’t mean to handball just now, but the idiot referee didn’t listen to his explanation.
After the game returned to normal, Ibrahimovic was sent to this point in suspense. Napoli scored twice in the game and fell behind by two in the 35th minute.
This unexpected goal has obviously dealt a blow to Napoli’s morale. More importantly, they still haven’t found a way to deal with the impact of Inter Milan’s winger. Now there is one person missing in the defense line, and it is even more difficult for Leia to redeploy new tactics at halftime. At this time, the substitution of personnel and adjustment can’t make the team white. He intends not to concede another goal in the next few minutes.
But things didn’t work out. I hope Naples will be hit again before it recovered from the unexpected goal. In the 43rd minute of the halftime, Chivu broke Dennis’s ball from the backcourt and then discharged the ball and drove straight into Milan because of the advantage of the number. This time, Vieira boldly inserted him in the penalty area and received a ball from Batlo’s right. A standard center moved the "lion head" to smash the ball into Lezzo’s gate.
Three-to-one lead over Inter Milan at home! ! ! !
At halftime, the whistle sounded until they walked into the visiting locker room. Naples players couldn’t believe that they were three goals behind, but the red number on the stadium scoreboard told them that it was really three goals.
Leia sat in the chair in the dressing room with a livid face, waiting for the Neapolitan players to come in from the stadium and everyone was here. Huo Ran got up from the chair and looked around for a week, then knocked on the tactical board and said, "Well, half-time has passed and we are three times behind, but I don’t blame you for Mourinho’s cunning and that idiot referee."
Hamsik breathed a sigh of relief in the corner. He was going to be bombarded by Reya’s stormy saliva at halftime.
Leia paused and then said, "We should make some changes at half-time. Since we are short of one player, we will play the third guard. Don’t be surprised. Now we have not lost three goals, even if we lose five goals. Now we need to attack and strengthen our attack before we can even the score. Of course, I don’t want to stop defending. I hope you will attack to drive the defense. Look at your performance at the half-time, especially the performance of the frontcourt players. You have been suppressed by Milan at half-time. I don’t want to see such a situation again, so we changed our formation 3513, grava, savigny, maldonado and Rinaudo. I hope our two wingers can play Ravizi Marjorie. The winger depends on you. Although it’s really a little difficult to suppress Inter Milan’s two wingers by relying on you, aren’t you worried that I’ll let Dominica help you with Dominica’s half-court? Are you helping Ravizi and Marjorie support the Napoli winger to attack the middle road and give it to gargano and Hamsik? Give a man what he deserves. At half-time, we attacked Inter Milan on the flank. We were short of one person. I hope you will run more to make up for this person. When it comes to physical fitness, we should far exceed them. You know, they have just played in the Champions League and our main players are younger than them. The boys ran for me at half-time to let the old men know what youth is. "Leia’s encouragement made Naples players feel a little depressed and finally a little angry. This is how young teams are easy to fall into a low tide, but they are more likely to be encouraged."
That’s all I can do. Can you call it up on your own? Leia looks at the young faces and sighs in her heart. Can you reverse Inter Milan at Meazza Stadium?
Volume III
Chapter one hundred and forty-nine The first yellow card in my career
Mourinho found that the Napoli formation had consciously strengthened the defense of the two flanks at half-time.
Hey hey! ! But isn’t it a little too late to change tactics now? Three goals is an insurmountable barrier for Naples, because your opponent is me, Inter Milan, Portugal "madman" laughed from the bottom of my heart.
"At the half-time, Napoli coach Rhea made adjustments to the field. The Napoli formation seems to have become a 351 defender. maldonado Rinaudo was replaced. maldonado is a defensive line full-back position. He can also play. Now it’s not bad. Little Cannavaro used to be a full-back. Now it’s not a big problem to change to a three-back full-back. However, in the face of strength, it will be dominant. Besides, Inter Milan don’t know if Napoli can hold up! ! ! ! After all, they have fallen behind by three goals. This disparity somewhat surprised us. I think it was Domic’s controversial red card that upset all the arrangements of Rhea. Let’s wait and see! ! Maybe Napoli can work miracles, but I think it’s also a bit difficult. If you want to turn over the opponent in the away game against Inter Milan, it’s as small as picking up 1 million euros from Mei Acha turf. "Obviously, even mazzola is not optimistic that Naples can equalize at half-time.
Qinan tightened his arm in the center line of the court. The captain’s armband is light, but it represents a heavy responsibility. I will not give up, even though my opponent is Inter Milan, he said to himself.
"Inter Milan steals the ball, Burdisso steals Marjorie successfully, and his big feet find the left side. Inter Milan counter-attacks are simple and effective. Marjorie failed to grab the ball, but he didn’t give up. He clung to Marjorie’s body as good as Mancini, but the speed difference was too much. Can he prevent Inter Milan’s" magic wing "? Little Mancini, speed up. He’s ready to speed up. Oh! ! ! A sky-blue figure came out to fight against Mancini’s broken foot ball. The sky-blue figure didn’t give him a chance to fight back. He took the ball along the side and went straight to Inter Milan’s half-court and went to Naples to fight back. The figure was huge. 13 has already told us who he is. Domenico Camacho even left Mancini behind Domenica and was ready to meet him at any time. Is there one less person in Naples ready to attack and defend? " Mazzola expressed doubts about Marjorie’s attack.
Qinan and Marjorie sat behind Marjorie near the middle line, ready to make a counter-attack at any time after Marjorie lost the ball. With Domenica’s protection, Marjorie completely released his attack. In fact, Marjorie’s strength made him into the Italian national team because Italian national team coach Lippi liked his old friend Marjorie and didn’t get a place in the national team.
Marjorie swerved to defend him near the front of the penalty area. Inter full-back Maxwell didn’t finish him, but it was enough because he had enough time and time to outflank Dennis in the middle of the ball. Unfortunately, the top of the ball was being confiscated by Inter goalkeeper Cesar. Although Napoli didn’t score in this attack, everyone could see that the attack quality of Naples was significantly improved compared with half-time.
In the next few minutes, Inter Milan’s two attacks on the left were destroyed by Domenica and Marjo. Mancini’s defense in Domenica was not as dazzling as half-time, but when there is a moon next to it, it can quietly put it away.
Qinan once again broke Mancini’s ball, and the wings of Inter Milan’s "magic wing" were abruptly broken by the "patron saint" of Naples. This time, he was not rude to defend Vieira in front of him, because Marjorie was next to him, and they made a one-on-one match again. Vieira had a body, but he was faster than him in the face of Monica. There was not much he could do. He couldn’t foul on the ball running, could he?
Marjorie stuffed the ball straight in front of Qinan for more than ten meters. Vieira knew at the beginning that he could not get ahead of Domenica and break the ball in just one second. Domenica was several meters away from him. Vieira could watch the ball and sighed that Maxwell’s former big brother could prevent it, but he didn’t expect Domenica to explode Vieira at the end of the speed. He had to catch the ball in a hurry.
After a simple and fast bicycle ride in Qinan, Maxwell started one step slower than Qinan and could watch him enter the restricted area.
"Oh, Domenica can finally see Domenica show his offensive talent in Mei Acha. This has always been a sight that can only be seen at S? o Paulo Stadium. Maxwell Theory.
Or physically, it’s not Domenica’s opponent, Domenica. Before Bourdiso, Domenica turned again. Oh, it was so big that it almost exceeded the limit of human body. When they passed each other, Bourdiso stretched his legs and hoped to poke Domenica’s foot ball. Did he succeed? Oh! ! ! ! Domenica fell in the restricted area! Domenica fell in the restricted area! ! ! ! Will it be a penalty? The referee ran over and raised the yellow card in his hand. Maxwell is doomed. "It should be seen from a neutral position that the commentator mazzola’s face expression turned out to be schadenfreude. In his inertial thinking, he generally sympathized with the weak. Today, he has even lost three goals in Naples, and it is understandable that he is suspected to be the weak. But in a second, his expression changed dramatically and schadenfreude turned into extreme shock.
"Dear emperor, how did this happen? The referee’s yellow card was actually given to Domenica. He sentenced Domenica to diving. It turned out to be diving. I was more disappointed with the referee’s decision. He was a little partial to Inter Milan. He would ruin a great game. Disappointed! ! ! What a disappointment! ! ! This seems to be the first yellow card of Dominica’s career. I don’t think he even thought that his first yellow card in life turned out to be a fake fall from an unwarranted "fake fall". Let’s think that Dominica’s fall is called a fake fall. Referee bar owners has a pair of eyes worthy of our praise.
Not only in mazzola, but also in Naples, where cursing games can be heard everywhere, the landlord referee became the most unpopular person in Italy at this time.
Qinan also thought that the referee would award him a penalty at the moment he fell, because Burdisso’s foot really tripped his calf, but when he saw that the referee gave him a yellow card instead, he was always gentle and he couldn’t restrain his anger. He got up and questioned the referee, but the result was still to uphold the original judgment and "dismiss the lawsuit" just like Domic’s red card.
Zenan didn’t explain again. He gave the referee a fiery look, turned around and walked towards Naples half-court. When Burdisso passed by, he could feel a chill from Domenica. Domenica was angered by Burdisso’s thought.
It was Qi Na who was really angered, but he didn’t lose his mind with anger. I don’t know what, but after extreme anger, he became more and more calm. That kind of calmness was more contradictory than that of anger, which filled all corners of his body. The metaphor of half seawater and half flame may be a proper expression of Qi Na’s current emotional situation.
After Inter Milan’s goal kick came out, Hamsik grabbed the ball near the midfield. He was about to transfer the ball to Inter Milan’s defense in the backcourt, but this time he heard Domonica on the right shouting at him.
Marek, give me the ball.
Dominica was really angry. He never asked anyone for the ball. Hamsik thought that he didn’t hesitate to give the ball to Dominica who was waiting for it.
Qina catches the ball, pulls it horizontally, and then prepares for a long-distance attack. Montari is going to intercept Qina’s foot and pull the ball for the first time. He really wants to make a long-distance attack. It is not that he has lost his mind or that he is crazy. At this time, what can be better than actual action to fight back at the referee?
However, Qi Nanxing is seen by Montari, which means losing his mind. When he sneers at an irrational player, it’s like a player who can’t do anything.
When Qinan was very calm and elegant, he stopped the ball and changed speed, and then suddenly started to take the ball to get rid of his defense, Montari was surprised. It turned out that the lion had all his teeth pulled out, and he was still a lion. Montari could think like this.
After Montari Qinan finished the speed, Naples fans and fans in front of the camera clenched their fists excitedly because they were more familiar with and expected that the scene would be staged again. Whenever Dominica made such a gesture, it meant that a fascinating tango dance exclusive to Dominica would appear in front of the world, and this time was no exception.
Qinan flies like a train of subway to spring, which rumbles along the sidewalk. Because the number of defenders on the sidewalk is generally small, when Qinan’s figure is gradually enlarged in front of Maxwell, the Brazilian people are involuntarily flustered. This is a rare situation in his career. Over the years, he has never felt nervous when he faced several breakthrough players on the sidewalk, but he suddenly felt guilty only when he faced Domenica. Maxwell never knew that his eyes were so terrible.
Silk feelings At this time, Domenica is not like a person, but more like a devil. In the medieval ancient European era, a murderous king looked down at Maxwell with his eyes full of feelings, and he felt smaller than himself. At the moment when he was absent, Domenica had suddenly accelerated and left him.
"* * *" What the hell is this Maxwell doing? How come the response was broken by Domonica? Mourinho threw a hard kick at the canopy behind him, and European swearing jumped out of his mouth involuntarily.
Maxwell, who woke up from the gasp of Inter fans, helped to watch Dominica go away. A player who was beaten by the same opponent several times in a game, he was Fa Yaowu, and he could "yang".
Starting from the same position, wiping it into the penalty area from the same position, and then playing against Burdisso in the same position, all this is like turning over in one minute. Will this end be the same?
"Domenica, he once again shot into the restricted area of Inter Milan. It was like a reincarnation in a changing time. He met Bourdisso again, but this time Bourdisso was cautious. He didn’t rush out again. He clung to Domenica, but every time Domenica shook, it seemed as if he was going to shoot. Many Monika dribbled horizontally, and Chivu followed Mai Kong. There was a trend! ! ! ! Domenica is like playing with the whole defense line of Inter Milan. ! He suddenly pulled the ball behind his back and turned to Burdisso. He didn’t take precautions that Domenica could turn to his thigh under such circumstances. Domenica turned back and his thigh fell! ! ! ! Domenica fell into the restricted area of Inter Milan again. Will it be a penalty this time? Let’s take a look at the referee’s decision and hope that his "critical eye" can play its due role this time.
After Qinan fell, he didn’t wait for his teammates to come over and pull him up. He got up at the first time and then ran to the scene with a chip-picking eye. The referee was on duty, and the referee finally made the right decision this time.
Penalty! ! ! ! He awarded Naples a penalty! ! ! But he showed a yellow card for a foul in the penalty area.